Treadline Equation



Hello Everyone -

When use a series of data and create a chart - then from that create a
treadline to forecast future values - sometimes the formula Excel provides
(used to forecast the future values) is, im guessing, to big or too long and
Excel will place an E next to a number.

Here is an example: y = 762870x + 5E+06

How can I see the equation in its entirety so I can use it?


David Biddulph

I assume that you mean "trendline", not "treadline"?
5E+06 means 5 * 10^6

You may want to try a function such as LINEST or LOGEST, depending on what
sort of trendline you are looking at.

Mike Middleton

MC -

Several possibilites:

(1) Select the equation, and then Format it. Method depends on Excel
version, which you didn't specify.

(2) For a linear trendline, use the INTERCEPT and SLOPE worksheet functions
(or array-entered LINEST, especially if you want diagnostics).

(3) Or, for linear forecasts, use the array-entered TREND worksheet

- Mike

Hello Everyone -

When use a series of data and create a chart - then from that create a
treadline to forecast future values - sometimes the formula Excel provides
(used to forecast the future values) is, im guessing, to big or too long and
Excel will place an E next to a number.

Here is an example: y = 762870x + 5E+06

How can I see the equation in its entirety so I can use it?



Haha yes I did mean trendline thanks for that correction. I do not know what
I was thinking when I wrote that.

I do not know how to use the LINEST, TREND, or LOGEST functions, but I was
using the trendline to forecast future expenses, assuming they increase in a
linear fashion (which is more than likely not the case, but it works well

Thanks for the help - It is much appreciated David and Mike!

David Biddulph

If you don't know how to use any Excel function (with the exception of
DATEDIF), look it up in Excel help.

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