Treeview - DragDrop




I am using the VBAccelerator MultiColumnTreeview ActiveX control and I
have it generating a tree structure for me. This is within an
Access2003 database.

I am now trying to get it to drag and drop within the control.

When I try to compile the subroutine for the OLEdragdrop event:

Private Sub TreeView1_OLEDragDrop(nodeData As DataObject, Effect As
Long, button As Integer, shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

I get the following error: "Procedure declaration does not match
description of event or proceure having the same name". I believe this
is due to the DataObject type.

When I go into the Object Browser and look at the type for the
OLEDragDrop event from the vbalColumnTreeView in Library
vbalCTreeviewLib6 it has the type DataObject, when you click on this to
get the properties I get the following error: "Cannot jump to
'DataObject' because it is in the libarary 'VBRUN' which is not
currently referenced."

Does anyone have drag/drop working with this control? Can someone tell
me how to reference the VBRUN library?


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