Is it possible to use Multi-select in a Treeview control? I am working
on the Drag and Drop functionality and want to be able to move groups
of items between nodes....
While the standard Treeview does not support true Multi-select,
if you are open to 3rd party commercial components take a look
at our TList control (
This can be used within Access ( see compatibility page of web site )
and will allow true multiple selection ( just set the Multi-Select property),
plus automatic Drag / Drop support ( Just set the AutoDragMode property).
I hope this is helpful to you.
* * Please include a copy of this message with your reply
Jeff Bennett
(e-mail address removed)
* Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc
* 50 Jericho Tpk, Jericho, NY 11753
* Phone 516 997 5596, Fax - 5597
* RELIABLE Components Make You Look Sharp!
* TList/Pro * ALLText HT/Pro * MetaDraw *
* Custom Software Development Services Too.
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