trendline equation updates



I am using copying a chart, which has trendlines dispalying the equations,
from another spreadsheet and updating the chart for the new data. I noticed
some of the equations were not right. Please be noted that these equations
were formated for text size and colour.

Could anyone suggest why the equations are not right and is there a way to
get it right automatically?

Mike Middleton

ST -

You may need to provide more details before anyone has suggestions:

(a) What version of Excel? (For example, I mostly use Excel 2003 SP3 and
Excel 2007 SP2.)

(b) Specifically, how are you "updating the chart for the new data"?

(c) In what way are the results "not right"?

In Excel 2003 SP3, I entered some data, created a Line chart, added a
trendline, formatted the equation, copied the chart, opened a new workbook,
pasted the chart, entered some data, selected the data series by clicking on
a point, edited the formula bar =SERIES to refer to the new data, and the
trendline equation changed appropriately.

- Mike

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