Trendline Not Always Available


Douglas Eckert

In a workbook with multiple charts on multiple spreadsheets, the chart option
to add a trendline is available on some of the charts and not on others -
why? (I have tried right clicking on the series - that is not the problem).
The data on the underlying spreadsheet appears to be entered and formatted
the same way. Of course, I have tried clicking on both axes, clicking on the
chart, off the chart, on the series line, on the series label in the legend
and so on. Yet, on other spreadsheets the feature works fine. I have tried
this on two PCs, with the same document (and the same errors) - in other
words, I doubt if re-booting will fix it either.

Douglas Eckert

Andy: Thank you. Actually, I blundered onto the answer. It is the chart
type selection. In the menu of line chart types, the line chart on the far
lef-hand side of the box (with bumps) will accept a trendline. The next
chart option to the right (in the center of the selection box), which appears
to be identical (at least to me), will NOT accept a trendline. Go figure!

Andy Pope

Ah yes, as well as 3d charts STACKED charts can not have trend lines.


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