Trial download server acts oddly?



This doesn't seem like a "busy server" response. Maybe I'm just venting here
but I have only weekends to do anything significant about resetting or
installing software because I have all I can do to keep up with teaching
fifth graders during the week.

The download registration process keeps telling me I have a field missing or
no product specified, neither of which is true. I enter the registration page
after a button is clicked for a version of Office2007. I have filled out all
forms, including - in one attempt - all the survey questions. I tried with
and without the "inform me by e-mail..." check-box selected. Did others see
ONE MORE "choice of product" button on their reg page?

I am using the same passport info I use to log in here, as the lead-in page
tells me I can.

I am eager to start using the RTM code.
Jonathan Rawle

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