Trick question, how to rename a template



Am using Office XP and Word XP (2002). Created some templates (of format When I click on File>New. all of the *Microsoft Word*
pre-defined templates have clean names like "Professional Resume" or
"Contemporary Fax", but mine all have the "dot" extension. like

How can these filenames be trimmed to just "ShippingLabel" or at least
display that way? Hint on a wrong answer. If you just drop the "dot" it
quits showing up at all when click File>New. If you go in properties and
change the document "title" doesn't make any difference either.


Lost in Word

Jean-Guy Marcil

Hi George,

Forget about imitating the built-in templates... they are hard coded in the
system, and since Word 2000 (I think it was 2000) it is very difficult to
even remove them from the File > New Dialog box (The old "trick" I used
with Word 97 does not work anymore, i.e. removing the default template
folder that Office installs...).

You can try this: start the Windows Explore, get to the File options, and
uncheck the "Show known file extensions". Call your template "Shipping" and it will show up as "Shipping Label". But if you distribute
your template, it will be up to each user's choice for that setting... some
will see the ".dot" and others will not.

Jean-Guy Marcil - Word MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Word MVP site:

Charles Kenyon

Also, it is generally _not_ a good idea to hide those extensions. Despite MS
hype that this simplifies life, in my experience hiding them brings on
unnecessary (and sometimes dangerous) confusion.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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