Tricky problem?


Bill Fitzgerald


Is there a way to enter 2 pieces of data in one cell. Such as .......

Cell 1 Cell 2 3 4 Cell 5

John Smith Address City State (123) 456-7890
(123) 456-7890

I'd like to enter two phone numbers into one cell.




Peo Sjoblom

Type in the first phone number, hold down alt and press enter, type in the
second phone number

Dave Peterson

Peo gave you one solution. Here's another:

Don't do it.

Later on, you'll want to do something with either of those phone numbers and
it'll be harder to separate them to process them.

I'd use another column. It'll make life easier later on.

Gord Dibben


Peo showed you how but........? Are you sure you want to do this. Could cause
problems later when you want these entries to be part of a database table or
mailmerge source.

I would prefer to have the two phones in separate cells such as.......

Name Address City State Phone1 Phone2

Gord Dibben XL2002

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