I think this is what is called an event trigger, but how to use?
Columms C to L have data in them from rows 30 to row 68. Each columm i
a different company (thus there are 10 companies). Each columm i
numbered 1 to 10 (thus C has number 1 in row 28, D has number 2 in ro
28, etc)...up to number 10 in columm L row 28.
Columm M and N are empty but I want to trigger an event in ro
28....when I enter for example, number 3(in row 28M) and number 6(i
row 28N), it will copy and paste the data from the correspondin
columms that have does numbers in row 28 into columm M and N...
Any thoughts?
I have attached the template so that you can see what I mean
PS: How do I do it so that the cell M28 and N28 act like "comman
buttons" that when a number is entered, the execute the code
Attachment filename: template.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=41853
Columms C to L have data in them from rows 30 to row 68. Each columm i
a different company (thus there are 10 companies). Each columm i
numbered 1 to 10 (thus C has number 1 in row 28, D has number 2 in ro
28, etc)...up to number 10 in columm L row 28.
Columm M and N are empty but I want to trigger an event in ro
28....when I enter for example, number 3(in row 28M) and number 6(i
row 28N), it will copy and paste the data from the correspondin
columms that have does numbers in row 28 into columm M and N...
Any thoughts?
I have attached the template so that you can see what I mean
PS: How do I do it so that the cell M28 and N28 act like "comman
buttons" that when a number is entered, the execute the code
Attachment filename: template.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=41853