"trigger macro on exit" for text boxes & radio buttons



I have constructed a form that has 8 alternatives:
4 radio buttons (i.e., insert row above or below,
or insert column to the right or to the left); &
4 text boxes
(i.e., insert (how many) rows above or below, &
insert (how many) columns to the rigth or left,
And an OK button and a Cancel button.

I can't figure out how to set the radio buttons (& the
text boxes) so that choosing one radio button (or
inserting a 1 or 2 digit number in a text box) will
grey out & assign null values (or something like
that) to any buttons (or text boxes) that
previously contained values.

Drop-down form fields have options that allow the
user to trigger a macro on exit. I wish that text
boxes and radio buttons had such an option, because
I would use the "trigger macro on exit" to somehow
grey out & assign null values (or something like
that) to any buttons (or text boxes) that
previously contained values.


Do you mean a UserForm or a Word document form? If you mean a user form
(this is a VBA forum, after all) then --

a) Radio buttons are mutually exclusive. Clicking any of them unchecks all
the others.

b) Textboxes have a Change and Exit events, either of which could be used
for your purpose.

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