I have a legal document set up as protected for filling out forms, and some
of the field forms have formatting applied to dates & currencies. When I
populate the document programmatically, the field formats I need
aren't applied until I manually tab through the doc. I tried the code below
but it doesn't do the trick.
Private Sub TabThruForm(doc As Word.Document)
Dim k As Integer
Dim frmFlds As Word.FormFields
Set frmFlds = doc.FormFields
For k = 1 To frmFlds.Count
If k <> frmFlds.Count Then frmFlds(k).Next.Select
Next k
End Sub
of the field forms have formatting applied to dates & currencies. When I
populate the document programmatically, the field formats I need
aren't applied until I manually tab through the doc. I tried the code below
but it doesn't do the trick.
Private Sub TabThruForm(doc As Word.Document)
Dim k As Integer
Dim frmFlds As Word.FormFields
Set frmFlds = doc.FormFields
For k = 1 To frmFlds.Count
If k <> frmFlds.Count Then frmFlds(k).Next.Select
Next k
End Sub