I was going absolutely great with =Trim (see below Kassie & Neil's
assistance) and all of a sudden I found that I was not getting a list of
corrected data and that the formula 'remained' in the target cell and did not
display the new trimmed numbers or text. (I am having to create a new
column by the way to put in the new data.)
So the sequence of events is:
The data I need to trim - which beings at L2 is in column L
I create new column next to it (which becomes column M)
Click on cell M2
Type formula =TRIM(L2) then enter
BUT the data in cell M2 remains a formula and does not become the trimmed
number and also f I drag the formula down to fill the rest of the column in
M, the formula doesnt increase sequential (ie in comun M it should be
=TRIM(L2) then =TRIM(L3) etc etc but remains as =TRIM(L2)
Normally addition there is a blue box round the cell that I am Trimming as I
am entering the formula in the target cell and there is a yellow line on the
left hand side of the target cell. BUT when =TRIM doesnt work, I get a yellow
box round the target cell as I type the formula.
I have looked for any signs of protection and have also making sure that
cells formated as text and have toggled Control +` . View formulas is not
ticked in Options.
Help again please - so sorry for being dim.
assistance) and all of a sudden I found that I was not getting a list of
corrected data and that the formula 'remained' in the target cell and did not
display the new trimmed numbers or text. (I am having to create a new
column by the way to put in the new data.)
So the sequence of events is:
The data I need to trim - which beings at L2 is in column L
I create new column next to it (which becomes column M)
Click on cell M2
Type formula =TRIM(L2) then enter
BUT the data in cell M2 remains a formula and does not become the trimmed
number and also f I drag the formula down to fill the rest of the column in
M, the formula doesnt increase sequential (ie in comun M it should be
=TRIM(L2) then =TRIM(L3) etc etc but remains as =TRIM(L2)
Normally addition there is a blue box round the cell that I am Trimming as I
am entering the formula in the target cell and there is a yellow line on the
left hand side of the target cell. BUT when =TRIM doesnt work, I get a yellow
box round the target cell as I type the formula.
I have looked for any signs of protection and have also making sure that
cells formated as text and have toggled Control +` . View formulas is not
ticked in Options.
Help again please - so sorry for being dim.