Here's what I used:
=IIf(IsNull([customercompanyrep]),[customerlastname] & ", " &
[customerfirstname],[customercompanyrep] & "( " & [customerfirstname] & " " &
[customerlastname] & ")" )
to try and get this displayed:
Last Name, First Name
Company Name (First Name Last Name)
Please help me with my syntax, all I get is "#Error"
Also, will I need to (and if so can I) use Trim on this as well?
=IIf(IsNull([customercompanyrep]),[customerlastname] & ", " &
[customerfirstname],[customercompanyrep] & "( " & [customerfirstname] & " " &
[customerlastname] & ")" )
to try and get this displayed:
Last Name, First Name
Company Name (First Name Last Name)
Please help me with my syntax, all I get is "#Error"
Also, will I need to (and if so can I) use Trim on this as well?