A long story, so bear with me please.
I want to import a list from Excel to Access.
I have an excel file with a list in a column in the form: aaaa aaa bb
bbbbb where the gap between the 2 sets of characters I assume are spaces.
The 2 halves are of varying length and within each half there individual
spaces separating words. I wish to retain only the first half (that is
the aaaa aaa bit). The maximum length of this half is 35
characters, so in excel I used the expression of the form RIGHT(D20,35)
in an adjacent column to eliminate the 2nd half, but this of course will
reatin a varying number of trailing spaces. I then copied the new column
to a new sheet.
In access in an exisiting database I imported the new sheet to create a
new table with the filed species. I then created a query using the
expresson given below ( Spcs: Trim([Species]) ). As I said, this
does not eliminate the trailing spaces.
I did incidentally try to remove the spaces in Excel with the TRIM
function at the same time as eliminting the b's, but this does not work
either, so I might have a universal MS Office problem. I have also
posted a similar query to the Excel news group.
Douglas J. Steele said:
Where is the data coming from? Is it possible that it's not spaces in the
field, that it's, for instance, Null characters?