We use queries to extract data from our G/L. Our location numbers are stored
in 12 characters, 7 preceding hard spaces and 5 characters. In Access 2003
was able to use TRIM to get the 5 digit location using this in the query
Store: Trim(MCMCU)
In Access 2007 that does not work- get Undefined function Trim in expression.
Any ideas?
Don't know Access 2007, but most likely it's the same problem you
would have with any previous version... a missing reference.
Here is how to resolve it in earlier versions. See if you find it
using 2007.
Open any module in Design view (or click Ctrl + G).
On the Tools menu, click References.
Click to clear the check box for the type library or object library
marked as "Missing:."
An alternative to removing the reference is to restore the referenced
file to the path specified in the References dialog box. If the
referenced file is in a new location, clear the "Missing:" reference
and create a new reference to the file in its new folder.
See Microsoft KnowledgeBase articles:
283115 'ACC2002: References That You Must Set When You Work with
Microsoft Access'
Or for Access 97:
175484 'References to Set When Working With Microsoft Access' for
the correct ones needed,
160870 'VBA Functions Break in Database with Missing References' for
how to reset a missing one.
For even more information, see