Triple Combination View



Is it possible to create a combination view in a top pane
and a single (or another combination) view in the bottom
pane, thus creating a triple (or quadruple) pane view?

I'd like to see a task usage view in the top pane, a gantt
table/chart in the middle pane and a resource graph
(and/or a resource usage in the bottom pane(s)).

Catch my drift?

Thanks, Dudes............TomCat

Mike Glen

Hi TomCat,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Well.... A work around! Window/New Window and select the same project.
Then Window/Arrange all. You could then use Window/Split in one or both
windows, or open a third Window...

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Worked beautifully, however my client isn't, and won't
be, sohpisticated enough to handle editing on two
screens. One is confusing enough to them. Any other
suggestions (macro, whatever...) would be greatly

BTW: This site is a pure blessing to all of us, power
users down to novices. Y'all are doing a GREAT job.
Keep up the good work.

Mike Glen

Hi TomCat,

On behalf of us all who try to respond, thanks for your kind words!

As to your query, I don't know of any other way to get more that the 2 panes
in one window. I'm not sure that even vba could program a solution.
However if you try the microsoft.public.project.development group, a vba
expert might give you a more definitive answer.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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