Don in Dallas
I work for a very large company with excellent IT systems. Last week I asked
a friends young daughter to heklp me complies some excel spreadsheets and
make graphs. She agreed and IM me to ask a question. I replied and told her I
would send her a final excel spreassheet so that would understand the
purpose. I sent a very simple x?y graph and the next thing I know I am
getting that was inapprpriate etc. Anyway, they claim my exvcel soreadsheet
was an X rated.
I said No way and evem looked at saved copy. Everything is OK. To amke it
worse the young lady i snow scared of me and i feel like a pervert. I have
the file they sent back but it has nothing. They are on n old computer that
does not have updated virus's i am sure.
Can this happen?? Thanks
I was using outlook and send ing to a Yahoo server based person. Is this
possible a a virus. Ther is/was no such stuff on my computer.
a friends young daughter to heklp me complies some excel spreadsheets and
make graphs. She agreed and IM me to ask a question. I replied and told her I
would send her a final excel spreassheet so that would understand the
purpose. I sent a very simple x?y graph and the next thing I know I am
getting that was inapprpriate etc. Anyway, they claim my exvcel soreadsheet
was an X rated.
I said No way and evem looked at saved copy. Everything is OK. To amke it
worse the young lady i snow scared of me and i feel like a pervert. I have
the file they sent back but it has nothing. They are on n old computer that
does not have updated virus's i am sure.
Can this happen?? Thanks
I was using outlook and send ing to a Yahoo server based person. Is this
possible a a virus. Ther is/was no such stuff on my computer.