Trouble copying an existing view to a new view


SPS Developer

I've just recently started using InfoPath and I'm having a problem creating a
new view and copying all the controls from an existing view.

I do a Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C on the default view, create a new view and then do
Ctrl-V but nothing happens. I've seen this before but I don't know how to
get around it?

Any suggestions would be appreciated, I don't want to recreate the view from


SPS Developer


This is happening on all forms - even new blank form. Seems like InfoPath
can no longer copy/paste?

I can copy from InfoPath to Word, then back into InfoPath, but the
formatting is all gone as well as the data bindings.

Is there some way to repair InfoPath?


Rather than keyboard commandsm try the edit>select all, edit>copy and then
paste on new view

SPS Developer

Thanks, but that didn't work either. It looks like I can copy one control at
a time, but that's going to be a lot of work.

Is there a way to use the Save as source files... option and then manually
copy/paste the exiting view file and update the manifest somehow? (Desperate!)

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