Trouble entering data into form



I have just starting learning how to use Access and have run into a problem
with the database that I am working on. The database is meant to store
information from surveys that are being collected from mothers and their
teenage children. Most of the subject pairs include one child and one mother
from each family, but we have several instances where there is one mother and
two children enrolled from the same family.

I have created a form that is to be used for data entry. It is based off a
query that includes two different tables, one for the teens' demographics and
one for the mothers' demographics. Each mother and each teen has been
assigned an ID number and the ID numbers are the primary keys in their
respective demographics tables. Their is a field in the teen demographics
table to store the child's mother's ID and that field is linked back to the
mother's ID on the mother demographics table in a many-to-one relationship.

So to get to my problem, in the form I have a place at the top to input the
teen ID and the mother ID. I want it to be the case that if there are two
children with the same mother, you only have to input the mother's
demographics once and after that as soon as you enter the mother's ID, her
information will automatically be filled into the form. So I set the
mother's ID in the query to be from the teen demographics table. Everything
was working fine and I was able to create a few practice records using the
form. Now when I create a new record I am unable to enter anything into the
box for mother's ID. In the status bar it reads, "To make changes to this
field, first save the record." But saving the record doesn't do anything. I
don't have this problem with any of the other fields, only mother's ID.

I am new to Access, so if you could tell me how to fix this problem without
having to use VBA, that would be appreciated.


bhicks11 via

Hi SP,

What is the data source of the mother's ID control? If it is a query, go and
take a look at the query outside the form for any problems.

Consider using a combobox for this control. You would set the data source as
Table/Query and in the row source set up the query by clicking on the ... to
select a mother's ID/name.



The data source is a query of the two demographics tables and I can't seem to
find any problems there, but as I said I have just started using Access.

I am using the form to input data to the tables, so I can't use the table as
a row source because the new records will be filled out using the form and
not the table. Does that make sense?

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