Trouble executing Stored Procedure


Bill Sturdevant

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server that looks for a bunch of parameters.
It inserts a record into a table, but in doing so, it does lookups in
secondary tables to translate the input parameters into IDs from the
secondary tables.

It works correctly when I execute it in SQL Server.

I assemble the SQL of an Access SQL Pass-thru query as follows (abbreviated):
"EXEC MySQLServerStoredProc @Param1='401', @Param2='XXXXX', etc. etc." in a
variable called strSQL.

Then I run the following code.

Dim dbsODBC As Database, strConnect As String
strConnect = "ODBC;Driver={SQL server};SERVER={" & strServerName &
"};DATABASE={" & strOrganizationShortName & "};Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set qdf = CodeDb.QueryDefs("Access Pass-thru Query Name")
qdf.SQL = strSQL
qdf.Connect = strConnect

When I stop my code here at a breakpoint and open the Access Pass-thru Query
and Run it using the Run button, it executes properly.

But, I am having trouble coming up with the correct code to run it from VBA...

I cannot figure out what command goes next!! Can anyone help?

Here is what I have tried so far:
1. qdf.Execute "Access Pass-thru Query Name" gives me a Data Type Conversion
2. CodeDb.Execute "Access Pass-thru Query Name" gives me an error 3065:
Cannot execute a select query.
3. CodeDB.Execute strSQL gives me an error 3129: Invalid SQL statement;


To run the query, you can use
Docmd.openQuery "Access Pass-thru Query Name"

Can you post the sql you have in the query, that run fine

Ron Weiner

How about loosing the PassThru query and executing the Sproc via an ADO

Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim strsql As String, strCon As String

strSql = EXEC MySQLServerStoredProc @Param1='401', @Param2='XXXXX',
etc. etc."
strCon = "Whatever works as the connection string for your situation"
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = strCon
Set rs = cn.Execute(strSql)
' do whatever you do with the records returned
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing

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