Bill Sturdevant
I have a stored procedure in SQL Server that looks for a bunch of parameters.
It inserts a record into a table, but in doing so, it does lookups in
secondary tables to translate the input parameters into IDs from the
secondary tables.
It works correctly when I execute it in SQL Server.
I assemble the SQL of an Access SQL Pass-thru query as follows (abbreviated):
"EXEC MySQLServerStoredProc @Param1='401', @Param2='XXXXX', etc. etc." in a
variable called strSQL.
Then I run the following code.
Dim dbsODBC As Database, strConnect As String
strConnect = "ODBC;Driver={SQL server};SERVER={" & strServerName &
"};DATABASE={" & strOrganizationShortName & "};Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set qdf = CodeDb.QueryDefs("Access Pass-thru Query Name")
qdf.SQL = strSQL
qdf.Connect = strConnect
When I stop my code here at a breakpoint and open the Access Pass-thru Query
and Run it using the Run button, it executes properly.
But, I am having trouble coming up with the correct code to run it from VBA...
I cannot figure out what command goes next!! Can anyone help?
Here is what I have tried so far:
1. qdf.Execute "Access Pass-thru Query Name" gives me a Data Type Conversion
2. CodeDb.Execute "Access Pass-thru Query Name" gives me an error 3065:
Cannot execute a select query.
3. CodeDB.Execute strSQL gives me an error 3129: Invalid SQL statement;
It inserts a record into a table, but in doing so, it does lookups in
secondary tables to translate the input parameters into IDs from the
secondary tables.
It works correctly when I execute it in SQL Server.
I assemble the SQL of an Access SQL Pass-thru query as follows (abbreviated):
"EXEC MySQLServerStoredProc @Param1='401', @Param2='XXXXX', etc. etc." in a
variable called strSQL.
Then I run the following code.
Dim dbsODBC As Database, strConnect As String
strConnect = "ODBC;Driver={SQL server};SERVER={" & strServerName &
"};DATABASE={" & strOrganizationShortName & "};Trusted_Connection=Yes;"
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Set qdf = CodeDb.QueryDefs("Access Pass-thru Query Name")
qdf.SQL = strSQL
qdf.Connect = strConnect
When I stop my code here at a breakpoint and open the Access Pass-thru Query
and Run it using the Run button, it executes properly.
But, I am having trouble coming up with the correct code to run it from VBA...
I cannot figure out what command goes next!! Can anyone help?
Here is what I have tried so far:
1. qdf.Execute "Access Pass-thru Query Name" gives me a Data Type Conversion
2. CodeDb.Execute "Access Pass-thru Query Name" gives me an error 3065:
Cannot execute a select query.
3. CodeDB.Execute strSQL gives me an error 3129: Invalid SQL statement;