Trouble forwarding tasks



I use OL2003 at work and OL2007 at home.

I often create tasks at work and want to forward them to my home
computer. Problem: Whether I "forward" the task or "assign" the task,
the result is the same--the email message received at home has
converted the attached tasks into generic .msg items. They each retain
the subject line of the original task, but all due date info etc. is
gone. If I drag the item into the Tasks folder, a new Task item is
created from the email but, again, without any of the due date info

I experimented a bit. If I forward a task from myself to myself on the
work computer, it works perfectly. The attachment retains its Outlook
Task icon with the little checkmark and it can be dragged into the
Tasks folder AS a task with all info present.

Likewise, if I do the same thing on the home computer, it works

Furthermore, if I forward a task from the home computer to the work
computer, it works perfectly.

Only when I forward/assign a task from work and open it at home is the
attachment "stripped" and made just a generic .msg

I've tried looking at all Security settings on home computer but can't
find anything that addresses this.

Appreciate any insights.

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