I have a main form bound to a table whose primary key is named [timestamp]
and the default value is now(). I have added a subform bound to another table
with two primary keys, [Timestamp] and [Customer_Id]. The master link and
child link properties are set on TimeStamp. When I bring up the main form,
its TimeStamp field is filled in with the default value. [TimeStamp] in the
subform is hidden, but when I enter the customer_id in the subform, I get an
error that says "A related record is required in the [main table]." Why isn't
Timestamp in the subform automatically filled-in with a value from the main
and the default value is now(). I have added a subform bound to another table
with two primary keys, [Timestamp] and [Customer_Id]. The master link and
child link properties are set on TimeStamp. When I bring up the main form,
its TimeStamp field is filled in with the default value. [TimeStamp] in the
subform is hidden, but when I enter the customer_id in the subform, I get an
error that says "A related record is required in the [main table]." Why isn't
Timestamp in the subform automatically filled-in with a value from the main