Trouble Printing a Scanned Line Drawing



I scanned a line drawing with a white background using Presto Image Folio
and Vistascan. I limited the scan to a square surrounding the drawing.
When inserted into a document in MS Publishing it looked fine on the screen.
When I printed that page, the line drawing was in a grey square the size of
the limits I had set during the scan. How can I get rid of this grey area
on printing.


Hi Dick

What's probably happening is that your scan was saved as
a grayscale or RGB image. The problem is that the
background may look white to you, but is in fact a really
faint shade of gray. You normally can't pick it on a
monitor, but the printer will show it.

To eliminate your background you can try three things:
1)Preferred method is to save the image as a monotone.
2)Edit the image in photoshop or similar to ensure your
background is white.
3)Click on the image in Word, bring up your picture
toolbar and select your transparency tool. Then click on
the background of the image. This sometimes does the
trick, but you'll get more reliable results with the
above options.

Hope that helps,

Mary Sauer

In addition to above, you can use the crop tool and move the margins in, might
eliminate the gray.


Hi Dennis and Mary

Method 3 worked very well. In fact, I could insert the picture directly
into MS Publishing, bring up the picture toolbar and activate the
transparency tool. Also of interest is that when I decreased the contrast
using the toolbar, the grey block showed up on my computer screen and then I
could see it eliminated by the above action.

Thank you both very much for your help.

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