Trouble tiling windows within the VB Editor



I like to have all my windows docked in the VB Editor,
with the Project Window and Properties window aligned
vertically (stacked) on the left, and the Code Window on
the right, using the full amount of space. When I first
(originally) came into the VB Editor, this seems to have
been the default. However, I've done something (bad),
because now my Properties Window is docked horizontally at
the top. I've tried 'Tiling Windows Vertically' but this
doesn't help. I can't seem to re-align the windows the
way they once were. Advice?

Word Heretic

G'day "Elix" <[email protected]>,

I normally drag them into place by their title bar - the GUI's
equivalent of a short n curly.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Elix reckoned:


I've tried that, and I can arrange them just the way I
want them.... but I can get them to 'dock'. If I do dock
them, they align themselves differently. I hate it when
my windows misbehave, and take on a life of their own!
Can you dock yours, and have them retain the arrangement
you put them in?

Word Heretic

G'day "Elix" <[email protected]>,

Ahhhhhhh!!!! That is a different problem altogether. Long long story,
basically you have customized them without controlled context a number
of times so a number of templates, as well as the Word data key in the
registry, are fighting for supremacy over which settings to apply.

You must use VBA to set their display characteristics to have even a
slight chance. Using a new, unique name certainly helps, as none of
the old (spurious) references will apply to it.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
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steve from (Email replies require payment)

Elix reckoned:

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