Trouble with adding an image to an Access Database


Bas Heeringa

When adding an image (bmp) to an Access form it displays the image but very
small with the name of the file below while I would like to see the complete
image within the form. I used on OLE object for this field like indicated in
the help files. Any idea about I'm doing wrong?


Bas Heeringa said:
When adding an image (bmp) to an Access form it displays the image but
small with the name of the file below while I would like to see the
image within the form. I used on OLE object for this field like indicated
the help files. Any idea about I'm doing wrong?

Use a PictureBox on the form.
In it's properties, you can specify the image path, although an ImageList
control is preferred.

Larry Linson

"moon" wrote
Use a PictureBox on the form.
In it's properties, you can specify the image path,
although an ImageList control is preferred.

That's not a bad answer for the separate product VB6 (or earlier versions of
classic VB).

But, unfortunately, there is no Picture Box control in Access and using an
ImageList is not common in Access.

Find the Northwind.MDB... you will most probably find it in the Samples
subfolder of the OfficeXX folder (where XX is your version of MS Office...
Office XP is 10) in the hierarchy in Program Files where Office is stored.

Hold down the Shift Key while Opening it, then open the Employees file in
Design View. That has an example of using the Bound OLE Frame.

My guess is that you need to change the SizeMode property of your OLE Frame
to Zoom. That is just a guess, but a good place to start...

Personally, I don't often use OLE Frames. See the following for more

The sample imaging databases at illustrate three
approaches to handling images in Access, and the download includes an
article discussing considerations in choosing an approach. Two of the
approaches do not use OLE Objects and, thus, avoid the database bloat, and
some other problems, associated with images in OLE Objects.

If you are printing the images in reports, to avoid memory leakage, you
should also see MVP Stephen Lebans' is an Access97 MDB containing a report that fails during
the Access formatting process prior to being spooled to the Printer Driver.
This MDB also contains code showing how to convert the contents of the Image
control to a Bitmap file prior to printing. This helps alleviate the "Out of
Memory" error that can popup when printing image intensive reports.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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