Trouble with copy command!!



Hello all and thanks for looking at my problem. I have webpage made in
Publisher 2000 I have been updating for the past 4 years. I am running
MS publisher 2000 on XP Home edition. On this web page I have 2 option
buttons and a list box as a set and there are 16 sets on the page. I
have not had any trouble on these pages (10) till recently. I cannot
copy anything. Whenever I highlight the text anywhere on the page I
get -->>
Microsoft® Publisher 2000 Version 6.0 has encountered a problem and
needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.<<-- I have other
pages and it copys just fine either by menu or Control C. The page
works fine and I can change data by typing and that's OK but I would
rather move some text around via copy/ paste. Also I have not changed
any hardware recently. Can anyone give me an idea on how to fix this?
Thanks John:)


Sorry, but I can not envision what you are talking about. Could you please
post a link to a page that illustrates what you describe. Thanks.

Are you using HTTP or FTP uploading protocol? It sounds like you are using a
form that would be dependent upon FPSE, but I want to confirm.

Do you run Microsoft updates automatically?

Are you running IE7 or IE6?



Thanks Dave for your Quick response. These pages are publisher pages
still in .pub format. I edit these pages in Publiher and then Save as
web pages to update existing web pages. The error is occuring in MS
Publisher before it is made into a web page. I have tried to "Detect
and fix" and that did not help and I have all updates for Publisher
installed. Thanks JOhn :)


Since you were unwilling to answer my questions, I will suggest that wait
for someone else with a better crystal ball.

In the meantime, you might run the design checker tool, study what is
different on the pages you have problems and pages that you don't, if things
are grouped then ungroup them, possibly uninstall recent patches, use a
backup copy of your publication, and/or rebuild the publication.

Good luck to you...I am done.


Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

may be a temp file problem?

Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP Expression


Hello Rob and thanks for looking. I deleted everyting in everyone's
Temp Folders and that did not help. I then opened one of my troubling
pages in Publisher and did a select all and then continued on to
delete everything on that publication. I then created a text box and
added a few words and then highlighted them to copy and as soon as I
selected COPY from the menu the same error came up, with just a text
box on the page. I then opened a new blank web page and created a text
box with a few words on it and tried to copy them and it worked just
like it was supposed to.I suppose I'll have to start over again and
recreate these pages but it would be nice just to know what is causing
this problem. I"ve tried with archived pages from years back and they
all give same results. I have 26 pages and 17 have Control Buttons and
these 17 pages are the problem ones The others work fine.None of the 17
will work even when I delete everything from the pages. Thanks John

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