Trouble with data and callouts



When I change data in a shape, de data does not change in the callout.
This happens with some datafields, but with other datafields it changes
immediatly, sometimes the datafields in the callout are changed !!! And I
have to configure the callout again.

I am using Visio 2007 (drawings and chapes are created with Visio 2002).

Is there a solution for this problem ? Can someone explain this to me ?
Rik van Overveld

Mark Nelson [MS]

Hi Rik,

If this diagram was created in Visio 2002, I assume that the callouts are
Custom Callout shapes taken from the Callouts stencil. You can confirm this
by right-clicking on the callout shapes to see if there is a Configure
Callout menu item. If you don't see such a menu item, then the callout
probably is not designed to automatically update with data. If you have a
Configure menu item, does clicking on it bring up a dialog? If so, you
might just need to reconnect the callout to the target shape. If the dialog
doesn't appear, the Custom Callout add-on may not be functioning properly.

You have a better option in Visio 2007 for displaying data on or near
shapes. Try using Data Graphics. Right-click on a shape that has data and
choose Data > Edit Data Graphic. Choose New Item to pick one of the four
graphical ways to display the data. You might start with Text since you are
currently working with text callouts. Choose the data field to display and
hit OK. You can add more items to display additional data fields. You can
choose Data > Display Data on Shapes to manage the data graphics and apply
them to additional shapes.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Rik van Overveld

Thank you for your answer Mark,

With a reconnection of the callout the problem is solved, I already did know
The bad news is that it takes a lot of time to do that on a whole drawing.
How can I be shure that the displayed information in a callout is the
correct information ? And how can I know wich callouts have been reconnected ?
I am not the only person in my company who uses the same drawings, I don't
know what my colleges have changed, ... .
I have hoped there was a refresh button that updates all the callouts in a
drawing, ... or something like that.

I have created a lot of different callouts in Visio 2002, with different
configurations and different logical names, to connect on different shapes,
and stored them as shapes in a stencil. Easy to use for everybody.
On a drawing, we change the configuration of the callout if needed.

Data Graphics is a nice tool, but to do that with Data Graphics is not so
easy I think.
I have been experimenting with Data Graphics this week (text and colors).
I need a solution that works easy in a lot of drawings and by more than one

I can connect different callouts to one shape, I can use only one Data
Graphics to a shape.
I am still searching and experimenting for a good solution.

All the configurations of our clients are created with Visio, so it is a lot
of work te change them all (more than 500 ? drawings and even more pages).

Rik van Overveld


Is there a way to display shape data on or near a shape in Visio 2007
standard? I don't even get the data graphic option when I right click.


Barb Way

You will find "Edit Data Graphic" under "Data" on the shape right-click
menu. But this will only allow you to edit an existing DG.
You should be able to see the existing DG in a drawing that was created in
Professional, though, and assign existing DG to a shape on the page which
has the data fields necessary.
To bring up the Data Graphics task pane, go to the Data menu, and choose
"Display Data on Shapes".

Barb Way
Product Support - Visio
Microsoft Corporation
[This posting is provided "As Is" with no warranties, and confers no
Is there a way to display shape data on or near a shape in Visio 2007
standard? I don't even get the data graphic option when I right click.


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