Hi all,
This ain't right. I'm just trying to get the number of days between an activity
begin date and it's end date. I've done it before, but this time Access keeps
asking me for a parameter (the field names). Every example I've looked at just
had the field names in the function. I've even qualified them with the table
name. Below is just the bit of SQL dealing with this:
TIA: DateDiff("d",[MR0093E].[ACT_BGN_DT],[MR0093E].[ACT_END_DT])
Anyone have any ideas why this causes Access to ask me for parameters?
ex. Enter Parameter Value MR0093E.ACT_BGN_DT
Near as I can tell it shouldn't be doing this.
Any help appreciated,
This ain't right. I'm just trying to get the number of days between an activity
begin date and it's end date. I've done it before, but this time Access keeps
asking me for a parameter (the field names). Every example I've looked at just
had the field names in the function. I've even qualified them with the table
name. Below is just the bit of SQL dealing with this:
TIA: DateDiff("d",[MR0093E].[ACT_BGN_DT],[MR0093E].[ACT_END_DT])
Anyone have any ideas why this causes Access to ask me for parameters?
ex. Enter Parameter Value MR0093E.ACT_BGN_DT
Near as I can tell it shouldn't be doing this.
Any help appreciated,