trouble with field name change



I am updating a 2 year old database by substituting a new
field name for an old one (and obviously removing the data
within that field for all records). When I open a certain
form, I am prompted for the old parameter that I have
completely removed all traces of from the database (as far
as I can tell). As long as I click "OK", the form opens
and everything functions normally. It is a nuisance,
though, and I'd like to get rid of it. I have removed the
old field from all reports, queries, tables, forms,
macros, and modules and replaced it with the new one. I
have also checked Access help, but none of those applied.
I have tried everything I can think of, and have redone
this several times. Any ideas? Such a simple for such a
big irritation:). Thank you in advance for any help you
can offer.

Scott McDaniel

This can be tricky. Have you made sure that this field isn't referenced in
any RowSource for combos, listboxes, etc etc ... I use Speed Ferret to make
changes, and ALWAYS do so on a backup. It's a little pricey, but it works.
There are also some other ones out there ... Rick Fisher's Find And Replace
comes to mind if you don't need to use this type of thing anywhere except

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