trouble with Names on multiple sheets



I've created 2 sheets with data that have to be plotted on different
charts. I then created 1 sheet just for those charts to appear. On
the first data sheet, I defined the Names, and when I looked at sheet
2, I could tell that the names were being taken on by Sheet 2. To
plot the charts, I referred to the specific sheet and then the range
name and I could tell that the different charts were referencing what
I want to reference.

The problem started when I created 2 more names later on. They did
not take on to sheet 2! If I added the sheet name of Sheet 2 to the
"definition", they will drop off any reference to sheet 1. I can't
figure out why these were supposed to be global names but didn't work.
Any clues? I'm about to pull my hair out... I was getting so close to
having all my charts done.



Firstly, what version of xl are you using?

I'm not sure if I understand your question properly but I have the feeling
that you are trying to use the same name on different worksheets. Is this

In xl2007 (not sure about xl2003) the defined name can be scoped to a
worksheet and therefore the name can be used multiple times if on different
worksheets. However, in xl2002, attempting to use the same name again on a
different worksheet simply re-defines the name to the new worksheet and the
name no longer applies to the first worksheet.

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