Trouble with synched notebook folders...



I synched the My Notebook folders on a desktop and a laptop expecting them to then have identicle info. I had made changes on the laptop and the desktop doesn't show the subpage tittles. Any ideas why? The screen clips are all there, the pic and text is there. Just no tittles


Peter Engrav \(MS\)

Are both machines actively running OneNote (against the same file) while you
make your changes? Or do you continue to see untitled sub page tabs if you
shut down all running OneNotes and then start it up again on the desktop

This sounds like there might be a bug in there somewhere.

- Peter Engrav (MS, OneNote Dev Manager)

Glisson said:
I synched the My Notebook folders on a desktop and a laptop expecting
them to then have identicle info. I had made changes on the laptop and the
desktop doesn't show the subpage tittles. Any ideas why? The screen clips
are all there, the pic and text is there. Just no tittles.


At the time of syncronization, both computers were not running Onenote. Both computers have been restarted and still no tittles on the desktop ( Computer files were copied to ) computer. Also that computer doesn't get new titles either.

I just realized. One has the original trial and one has SP-1 installed. Let me put SP-1 on the desktop and see if it clears up then



That was it. Installed SP-1 and all is well. There just seems to be a slight discrepancy between the two versions and how they address the tittles of subpages


Erik Sojka

The "discrepancy" is expected, so to speak.

The ability to name a subpage first appears in SP1. Pre-
SP1, OneNote did not name subpages, so it's not
surprising that a pre-SP1 version garbles or ignores
completely subpage title data (inserted by the other
computer running SP1) as you described.

I'm glad SP1 solves the problem for you, and this
continues to be good advice for all Office programs -
don't expect two different versions of a program to
behave the same way when presented with a document
created in a software version older/newer than itself.

-----Original Message-----
That was it. Installed SP-1 and all is well. There
just seems to be a slight discrepancy between the two
versions and how they address the tittles of subpages.

Peter Engrav \(MS\)

Indeed, titles on subpages are new to SP1.

There's a bit of a story there. We originally designed subpages to satisfy
the scenario where someone is taking notes in a longish meeting, say, and
there are more than one "screenful" of notes. We had some evidence that
tablet/ink users don't really want to scroll the page down (making a "long
enough" page) but rather just flip to the next "screen". But that next
page shouldn't have its own title (it's just an extension of the previous

What we've found is that the vast majority of users who use subpages in fact
use them to create heirarchy. And hence want them to have their own titles.
Hence the SP1 feature.

- Peter Engrav (MS, OneNote Development Manager)

Glisson said:
At the time of syncronization, both computers were not running Onenote.
Both computers have been restarted and still no tittles on the desktop (
Computer files were copied to ) computer. Also that computer doesn't get
new titles either.
I just realized. One has the original trial and one has SP-1 installed.
Let me put SP-1 on the desktop and see if it clears up then.

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