Trouble with word 2003


Dan G.

In Word 2003, when I use the "save as" function the whole application stops
responding and I have to do an "end task" to get out of it and I lose the
document I was working on.

Charles Kenyon

Does this happen with every document, or just particular documents?

If you are opening a standard document, say a form letter, making changes,
and saving it, you should be using a template instead.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory:

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide)

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and questions to the newsgroup so that others can learn
from my ignorance and your wisdom.


It's a bug in this Hotfix which fixes a bug in Explorer which Automatic
Updates will have installed:

You can remove it from Add/Remove Programs, where it shows as "Security
Update for Windows XP (KB908531)". Make sure the "show updates" box at the
top is ticked or you won't see hotfixes in the list.

Or wait until Microsoft push out an update.


That worked for me.


BMC said:
It's a bug in this Hotfix which fixes a bug in Explorer which Automatic
Updates will have installed:

You can remove it from Add/Remove Programs, where it shows as "Security
Update for Windows XP (KB908531)". Make sure the "show updates" box at the
top is ticked or you won't see hotfixes in the list.

Or wait until Microsoft push out an update.

Chris S

THANK YOU! I have just spent the entire day trying to solve a similar
problem, where Word and Excel froze every time I tried to open a file using
the 'Open' dialogue box, causing the programs to 'not respond'. I was so
desperate I removed the the hotfix listed below (had tried all other
recommended approaches) and guess what...It worked! How you found this I
shall never know.

Chris S

Mary Ann

Thanks! What a GREAT help!!!

BMC said:
It's a bug in this Hotfix which fixes a bug in Explorer which Automatic
Updates will have installed:

You can remove it from Add/Remove Programs, where it shows as "Security
Update for Windows XP (KB908531)". Make sure the "show updates" box at the
top is ticked or you won't see hotfixes in the list.

Or wait until Microsoft push out an update.


There is a MS response to this now, and a better fix than removing the hotfix.

See for explanation and fix

Or do this (which is a quick way of doing what MS suggest):
Copy the following to the clipboard (it's all one line even if wrapped in
your browser - paste into notepad and remove line breaks if necessary, and
copy again)
Click Start, run
Paste into the dialogue box and hit return.

==Copy below here==
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell
Extensions\Cached" /v "{A4DF5659-0801-4A60-9607-1C48695EFDA9}
{000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 0x401" /t REG_DWORD /d 1
==Copy above here==

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