I have a form with a chart which I would like to replace with a PivotChart.
I am having trouble making it display the same as the chart.
the Table has records consisting of autonumber and 12 months named period1
period2 etc.
The 12 periods are put into the data area and the number in the series.
1. I can't change it from diplaying sum of period1 etc. In the Chart I got
around this by putting expressions in the sql.
1 as period1,2 as period2. This dosn't work in the pivot.
I know the sum of can be turned off altogether but i simply want 1 2 3 4
under the bars.
2. When a user decides to compare the periods for 2 records I want it to
display -:
rec 1 per 1-rec 2 per 1 --- Rec 1 Per 2- rec 2 per 2.
The best i get from the pivot is-:
rec 1 per 1-rec1 per 2 --------------rec2 per1- rec2 per2
3. How to get the subform to appear as a Pivot Chart.
As you can see charting is not my speciality and I would really like some
help with this.
I am having trouble making it display the same as the chart.
the Table has records consisting of autonumber and 12 months named period1
period2 etc.
The 12 periods are put into the data area and the number in the series.
1. I can't change it from diplaying sum of period1 etc. In the Chart I got
around this by putting expressions in the sql.
1 as period1,2 as period2. This dosn't work in the pivot.
I know the sum of can be turned off altogether but i simply want 1 2 3 4
under the bars.
2. When a user decides to compare the periods for 2 records I want it to
display -:
rec 1 per 1-rec 2 per 1 --- Rec 1 Per 2- rec 2 per 2.
The best i get from the pivot is-:
rec 1 per 1-rec1 per 2 --------------rec2 per1- rec2 per2
3. How to get the subform to appear as a Pivot Chart.
As you can see charting is not my speciality and I would really like some
help with this.