Troubleshoot style issue


Liz T

For example, I apply a Heading style to a line. The text
above it takes on the Heading style. I clear formatting or
change the style on the line above it, the line that I
want TO have the style changes too. I have tried inserting
a full page between the 2 lines. How can I correct this?

Howard Lam

Hi Liz,

Styles are applied to text in the same 'paragraph'. So if you have a chunk
of text, and haven't separated the lines you want to have different styles
with a new line, then you cannot apply different styles to them.

How did you separated the two lines by a full page?

Liz T

By inserting a page break
-----Original Message-----
Hi Liz,

Styles are applied to text in the same 'paragraph'. So if you have a chunk
of text, and haven't separated the lines you want to have different styles
with a new line, then you cannot apply different styles to them.

How did you separated the two lines by a full page?


Charles Kenyon

A page break (in Word tech) is inside the following paragraph. You need to
use the Enter key to create a new paragraph. Using a manual page break
before a heading you want in a table of contents will also mess up your TOC.

Instead of the manual page break, format your heading style with the
paragraph formatting of "page break before."

Liz T

Yes, creating a new paragraph worked. Thanks!
-----Original Message-----
A page break (in Word tech) is inside the following paragraph. You need to
use the Enter key to create a new paragraph. Using a manual page break
before a heading you want in a table of contents will also mess up your TOC.

Instead of the manual page break, format your heading style with the
paragraph formatting of "page break before."

Charles Kenyon

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