Troyble eliminating Tracked Changes in Word 2003 and 2007



This is an issue we've faced in both earlier versions of Word and now in 2007.

We receive documents from others showing strikeouts and additions. When we
try to generate a document by accepting all changes, not all of the
strikeouts or additions are converted to normal text. As a result, we still
end up with a document that has visible strikeouts or blue text or
underlining for new text.

Why does this happen? How do we get ALL of these changes handled? I assume
what is happening is we are getting some version in which the strikeouts and
additions are treated as if they were originals.

Interestingly enough, if I import the same document into WordPerfect, it
recognizes some of the changes and WILL delete them, but not others.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

There's a good chance that some of the "tracked changes" have been created
by something other than Word. It could be WordPerfect (which seems to be
able to handle them), or it could be something like DeltaView, which AIUI
actually formats the text as shown, so that you would have to use Find and
Replace to delete struck-through text and restore the Default Paragraph Font
to text that is underlined and colored.

Idaho Word Man

This is something I face about once a week. Some computer challenged
induhviduals at my company think that the way to track changes is to actually
format the font as blue for inserted text and to format it as red strikeout
for deleted text.

You can use the Find function to search for text that is formatted in color
or as strikeout text. In the Find dialog screen, choose More - Format - Font
to select the formatting that was used, and then format it the way you want
when you find each instance.

I hope this helps.



I am confident these were prepared in Word; we often get other documents
prepared in Word with tracked changes we can't seem to undo.

Can you, or someone, perhaps offer a description of precisely how to Accept
Changes? As I understand the info in the Help file, I should just be able to
Accept All Changes.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

As others have indicated, the fact that they were prepared in Word still
doesn't mean that the formatting was applied with Track Changes. If it was
manually applied, then it must be manually removed, using Find and Replace.


I guess I am just stumped that someone would bother to manually create a
markup copy instead of just editing, but alas, it appears you and Idaho Word
Man may be right.

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