Re Standard versus Overtime - that you can do easily, but Project won't
actually watch the times for you. When you assign resources to tasks or
input actual work you manually input the number of hours included in the
total work that are overtime hours in the OTWork fields. Project then
calculates the task's cost with the formula:
[Cost] = ([Work]-[OTWork])*[StdRate] + [OTWork]*[OTRate] + [CostPerUse]
+ [FixedCost]
and its duration by:
[Duration] = ([Work]-[OTWork])/Effort
I'm confused - you say you're looking for a place to enter the resource
salaries. But that is the Standard Rate column in the resource sheet and
gets totalled in the cost tables already. Do you mean you're looking to
enter the resource's billable rate as well as their salary so you can say
"Joe is working a total 40 hours on this project, we'll pay him $500 and
bill the client $750"? If that's the case and all you need is totals by
resource without a breakdown on a per task basis I think I have something
that'll work for you ...
In the Resource Sheet, add the column Cost1 and label it "Billing Rate." Go
to Customize Fields and for the Cost2 field use the formula
[Cost1]*[Work]/60 and set it to sum on rollups. Rename Cost2 to something
meaningful like "Billed to Client." Add Cost2 to whatever resource or
resource usage table you'd like to see it in. Unfortunately, it won't carry
over to task and task usage tables because although both tasks and resources
have a Cost1 field, for example, the task and resource data is actually
stored in two completely different, non-interacting, tables that happen to
have some similar field names. As I said, this can give you total client
billing and your total internal costs for each resource but it won't give
you a task by task breakdown of those costs.
Hope this helps
Steve House [MVP]
MS Project Trainer/Consultant
Visit for the FAQs
wbrethour said:
Thanks for your suggestions and the question was not to be used for
to a client but just for internal usage to measure profitability of
individual projects. In fact most of our client projects where we will be
billing for the resourse is done on a fixed price anyway but there are
that are time and material and those are the ones that (internally) I
like to track the profitability of a given project. For those time and
material billable projects I know what all resources cost per hour (salary
plus benefits) and I know what the billable rate to the client is based on
the signed contract. I was just looking for a place to enter the
salaries and have it factored into the cost of the projects for internal
and not for billing use.
My comments on different rates based on the time of day was nothing more
then standard vs overtime rates for any given task based on work time of