truetype fonts for macintosh



I created a file (a wine label) in MS Publisher, but my
commercial printer needs to open it on a Mac machine. The
problem is the Harrington font I used in Publisher is not
available on the Mac. According to the MS site, there is
something called "MS TrueType Master Set for the Macintosh
fonts - Font Pack 2 fonts" that includes Harrington. I
thought my commercial printer could purchase that, install
it and that would solve the problem. However, I cannot
even find this Master Set on the product list on the
Microsoft site. Is anyone familiar with it? If not, do you
have ANY idea for a resolution or work-around to my
Thank you.

Ramón G Castañeda

I created a file (a wine label) in MS Publisher, but my
commercial printer needs to open it on a Mac machine. The
problem is the Harrington font I used in Publisher is not
available on the Mac. According to the MS site, there is
something called "MS TrueType Master Set for the Macintosh
fonts - Font Pack 2 fonts" that includes Harrington. I
thought my commercial printer could purchase that, install
it and that would solve the problem. However, I cannot
even find this Master Set on the product list on the
Microsoft site. Is anyone familiar with it? If not, do you
have ANY idea for a resolution or work-around to my
Thank you.

If they're in OS X, the True Type from your PC will work on the Mac. The
licensing issue is a different matter, but Microsoft may not mind (?).

The document might reflow if you buy a Mac version of the font.

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