Truncate last five characters


Jesse Hamilton

How would you code to truncate the .hml or .html from the tail end of a
filename string?


Trevor Shuttleworth


from a reply by Tom Ogilvy to a similar question (slightly modified):

sfilename = Left(sfilename,len(sFilename)-5)



Ron de Bruin

You can use the left function for example

Sub test()
Dim fname As String
fname = "C:\testfile.htm"
MsgBox fname
MsgBox Left(fname, Len(fname) - 4)
End Sub

Darren Hill

Maybe something like:

If Instr(sFilename,".htm") > 0 then
If Right(sFilename,5) = ".html" then
sFilename = Left(sFilename,len(sFilename)-5)
sFilename = Left(sFilename,len(sFilename)-4)
End if
End if

Tom Ogilvy

Great thought. Since you are using Instr

If instr(sfilename,".htm") Then ' any non-zero number is TRUE
sfilename = Left(sfilename,instr(sfilename,".htm")-1)
End if

Darren Hill

That's clever :)

Tom Ogilvy said:
Great thought. Since you are using Instr

If instr(sfilename,".htm") Then ' any non-zero number is TRUE
sfilename = Left(sfilename,instr(sfilename,".htm")-1)
End if

Ladislav Ligart

The previous solutions all suffer from assumptions that the file
extension is X characters long (e.g. 3 or 4), or is such-and-such
character string (e.g. "htm"). Those kinds of assumptions will cause
debugging later on when reality intrudes. ;-)

Here's a more generic way to do this that will work with file
extensions of any length, no length, or containing multiple periods
(hence the StrReverse). It's coded as a function so it can be called
where ever needed w/o rewriting the code. If you don't know how to
integrate the function into your code you can just take the code
inside the function (wow, that sounded weird!).


Sub joe()
Dim sFilename As String ' original filename

sFilename = "Hello World"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))

sFilename = "Hello World.htm"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))

sFilename = "Hello World.html"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))

sFilename = "Hello World.Peace.doc"
MsgBox (sFilename & vbCrLf & StripExtension(sFilename))

End Sub

Function StripExtension(Filename As String) As String

Dim sEmanelif As String ' reversed filename
Dim sFileNoExt As String ' filename w/o extension

If InStr(1, Filename, ".") = 0 Then
StripExtension = Filename
' reverse Filename string to get extension at front
sEmanelif = StrReverse(Filename)
' take from 1 past period onward
sEmanelif = Mid(sEmanelif, InStr(sEmanelif, ".") + 1)
' reverse back to original and place in function result
StripExtension = StrReverse(sEmanelif)
End If

End Function

Tom Ogilvy

No, the previous posts answered the question asked and didn't assume xl2000
like you are assuming (which could cause problems later when reality
How would you code to truncate the .hml or .html from the tail end of a
filename string?

Ladislav Ligart

My apologies to all, that did come across as condescending. I was
trying to show Jesse that the more you go from a specific,
"works-only-if", solution to generic solution, the better. And if you
look at the flow of the answers, they were going that way anyway. :)

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