truncate zero in the starting when importing from text file


Mohsin Habib

I am importing data from text file, it has the field of telephone numbers,
but access truncate all the zeros in the starting. I have set the field type
as Text but still it is not working (although its work when I manually type
data in that field but does not work while importing). I need to display all
the zeros in the field to distinguish local and international calls. Please
help if someone knows the solution.

Mohsin Habib

Actually I am importing the data in Access using VB 6.0, for this I have
first created table in Access and then write code in VB to import data in

code is look like this
strCn = "Driver={Microsoft Text Driver (*.txt; *.csv)} ;" & _
"DBQ=" & App.Path & ";" & _
"DefaultDir=" & App.Path & ";"

Set adoCn = New ADODB.Connection
adoCn.Open strCn

strSQL = "INSERT INTO [" & txtTable.Text & "] IN '" & App.Path & "\Table.mdb
strSQL = strSQL & "SELECT * FROM " & txtFile.Text
adoCn.Execute strSQL

code is working but I am experiencing the probelm which I have mention in my
question...... So I cant check it during the process of importing as it is
Is there any solution for it??????

Jamie Collins

Actually I am importing the data in Access using VB 6.0, for this I have
first created table in Access and then write code in VB to import data

You seem to be using Jet, not Access, therefore use a schema.ini file
(google it) to define the data types.

Import specs = Access, not Jet
schema.ini file = Jet



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