Patricia D
Using this formula
=VLOOKUP($B72,'I:\Contracts\Working\Reporting\Weekly Reporting\Marketing
Minutes\2006 Reports\Contracts\Master File\[Contracts Wkly Rept
Master.xls]Full Report'!$B:$G,5,FALSE)
The resultant text is truncated. If I open the source master file and
update the link, the text in the target document is then shown in full.
Unfortunately it disappears again if I close the source and update the link.
I've turned off automatic update, so that I can vaguely control this, but it
is not ideal.
btw I've also tried including Alt+Enter in the source cells to see if that
helps display in target cell - it doesn't.
I also changed formatting from Text to General, because when Text, I was
getting ####... as the value when I opened the source workbook.
=VLOOKUP($B72,'I:\Contracts\Working\Reporting\Weekly Reporting\Marketing
Minutes\2006 Reports\Contracts\Master File\[Contracts Wkly Rept
Master.xls]Full Report'!$B:$G,5,FALSE)
The resultant text is truncated. If I open the source master file and
update the link, the text in the target document is then shown in full.
Unfortunately it disappears again if I close the source and update the link.
I've turned off automatic update, so that I can vaguely control this, but it
is not ideal.
btw I've also tried including Alt+Enter in the source cells to see if that
helps display in target cell - it doesn't.
I also changed formatting from Text to General, because when Text, I was
getting ####... as the value when I opened the source workbook.