Truncating Ctrl-shift > Edit > CopyPicture



Hi All......

I have the following code,

Application.GoTo Reference:="Print30230_2"
Selection.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture

It's brute-force, but works fine, except that it truncates the range I am
trying to copy. The size of the range is only J100:AC148, but still it gets
truncated. It worked perfectly when I first designed it, but someone
increased some column widths within the range and then it started truncating,
without any notice except some of the data was missing. Does anyone know
what the limits are of this CopyPicture feature, both in height and width?

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Leith Ross

Hello Chuck,

When Excel pastes data from the source to the destination, the cell
must match in size. Since someone increased the column widths in th
original range "Print30230_2" , then the destination range "Trends
needs to be changed as well. Otherwise, Excel will truncate the dat
being pasted.

Leith Ros


Hi Leith.....

Thanks for the response, but in this case the "rejection" takes place even
befpre the destination is determined. Without VBA, if I just highlight the
area and do Ctrl-Shift > Edit > CopyPicture, I get the error message
announcing the truncation.....

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

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