
I have linked a table in my Access database to a table in an Oracle database
via the ODBC, but I am having a problem in that Access cuts off the number of
fields from the table when you have more than 256 (or so) fields. This would
not be a problem if I could choose the fields that I want, but it just cuts
them off based on the order of the fields from the Oracle database.

Is there a way that I can choose the fields from this table rather than just
having access cut them off, or is there a way to just bring in the whole
table without truncating the fields. In Excel when you are importing data it
gives you a list of the all of the fields within the table, and you can
choose which ones you want to import, but Access is much less flexible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Drew

You can solve the problem by replacing the linked table to a linked (create
table)query just selecting the fields you wants?

best regards


Thanks for the help. I was able to create what I believe to be the linked
query, but it is still limiting what fields it will allow by the 256. I may
have done it wrong, but I just opened queries under objects in Access, and
then I opened view and in the properties I changed the source to ODBC. When
I closed properties I was able to choose my Oracle database and table, but it
was still limiting my fields.

Is there something else that I can do, or something that I am doing wrong?

Thanks Again!


Hey Drew

Sorry, my misstake, you can not create this query, it should be done on the
Oracle DB, after creation in this db you can link this query to your db.



Thanks. I actually figured out a way to do it all in Access. I just created
a passthough query and wrote the SQL statement directly into it. It works
great, but it seems like there should be an easier way to do it.

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