Is it possible to do something like this through a code:
Sub Farah()
If 'Trust to Visual Basic Project' is Already Checked Then
' Do certain action (i will mention my code here)
Otherwise if it is not checked, Then
' do the following
Application.SendKeys "%T"
Application.SendKeys "M"
Application.SendKeys "S", True
Application.SendKeys "^{PGDN}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys " ", True
Application.SendKeys "~", True
End Sub
Is it possible to do something like this through a code:
Sub Farah()
If 'Trust to Visual Basic Project' is Already Checked Then
' Do certain action (i will mention my code here)
Otherwise if it is not checked, Then
' do the following
Application.SendKeys "%T"
Application.SendKeys "M"
Application.SendKeys "S", True
Application.SendKeys "^{PGDN}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys "{TAB}"
Application.SendKeys " ", True
Application.SendKeys "~", True
End Sub