I have one machine in my organization that has the "Trust Access to Visual
Basic Projects" grayed out. It won't let me change it, even when logged on
as a Domain Admin.
I have changed the Reg Key
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Office/11/Excel/Security/AccessVBOM to 1. But it
is still grayed out.
I have searched KB but can't find an answer there.
Any suggestions. Is there a Local Machine Security Policy that is graying
this out???
Any help appreciated.
Basic Projects" grayed out. It won't let me change it, even when logged on
as a Domain Admin.
I have changed the Reg Key
HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Office/11/Excel/Security/AccessVBOM to 1. But it
is still grayed out.
I have searched KB but can't find an answer there.
Any suggestions. Is there a Local Machine Security Policy that is graying
this out???
Any help appreciated.