Try again: Customizing reports in 2002 vs. 2003



We use Project 2002 and have been frustrated by the apparent limitations of
the Reports feature. Customizing reports is very canned and inflexible.

Has this greatly improved in Project 2003?

For example, does it let me insert any columns I want in a report? Can the
date ranges be automated (with current date)? Can the filters in a report
be automated for dynamic values?

Or do I still have to create custom tables and only have access to specific
limited tables in the reports etc?

Mike Glen

Hi Hall,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

I'm sure I've already answered this, but I can't find it! Anyway, most of
the reports are based on tables, and as you can create your own table with
whatever columns you like, you have full flexibility in your reporting. In
this respect 2003 is no different.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Mike, I know all about tables. In fact, table "entry" has all the data I
need for my target report.

But what I can't see is how to customize (I mean really customize) a report
with the data from that table. The canned reports seem to have limited

Mike Glen

Sorry, Hal, I thought the input of columns was your main complaint! You'll
have to resort to vba if you want more - try the developer newsgroup.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Brian Rogers


Reading some of your help online. I am trying to display a report or view or filter that allows me to separate by Subtask Outline Level (Effectively Summary Tasks). You know how if you select the Show button, you see the options there for all 9 Outline levels

See I want to show by Quarter (Outline level 5), all tasks (outline level 6) for each customer (Outline Level 4)


----- Mike Glen wrote: ----

Sorry, Hal, I thought the input of columns was your main complaint! You'l
have to resort to vba if you want more - try the developer newsgroup

Mike Gle
MS Project MV

Mike Glen

Hi Brian,

I don't know of a way to show all these 3 reports/views in one single view
without the other levels showing.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

Brian Rogers

Thx for the quick response..
....Yes, it appears that one can only select Show Summary Tasks which includes all levels..
....I got around it by changing my Summary Tasks to the order/arrangement that I want to see it in
Again - thx.

Mike Glen

Hi Brian.

If this is a frequent event, you might set a Flag field for each set of
circumstances and then filter on the appropriate flag.

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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