Try-before-you-buy version?


Phil C

Hi folks

I have produced a complex spreadsheet (medical application) that is now
available for sale at a modest price. It contains some VBA, but not much. I
am not an expert, but have made extensive use of Excel's built-in functions
for curve fitting, graph ploting etc. A colleague in another (UK) hospital
has asked about an 'evaluation version'. Is there a standard way of
producing a spreadsheet that has all the basic functionality to allow a user
to decide whether it works properly etc, but with something key missing
(that would prompt them to buy the full version!)?

Time-out after (say) 30 days. I seem to recall that this is not
Somehow disable the sheet | print function?
Any other ideas?

I am using Excel 2003. My development machine still has Windows 2000, but
most potential users will have XP.

Thanks for you help.


Bob Phillips

You can do various things, but all of them are pointless if faced by someone
who intends to crack it as Excel security is laughably weak.

I haven't used it with VBA myself, but the author assures me that the functionality does
extend to VBA, but of course you need to buy it.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

RB Smissaert

Not sure it is worth the trouble, but your best bet may be this:

Move some part of your VBA code to a VB6 ActiveX dll. This has to be
essential code and also not too simple
otherwise people could just code around it in VBA.
You don't have to have VB6, somebody could make it for you.
People wanting to buy your software then need to send you some unique
identifier related to their hardware,
for example the HD Volume serial number.
From this information you then make a licence file with in it this encrypted
HD Volume serial number.
The ActiveX dll will then read this information from the PC's HD and see if
it matches the encrypted data
in the licence file.
If it matches fine, if not it will exit and the software can't work.
You could incoorporate a date in the licence file as well if you want them
to pay every year for example.

If you are not familiar with these things you could for example do it via
Rent A Coder.

It would be much easier to do it all in VBA, but as said it will be easy to


Phil C

Bob .. and RBS

Thanks for your responses. The sort of people on the receiving end are not
the types with the time or inclination to crack software security systems,
however weak. This only needs to be 'token security' to fulfill its purpose
(i.e. clearly demonstarte that it is not the release version).

AppsSentinel sounds like it would do the job (I don't want to invest much
time on this, as I may not get many more requests for an evaluation copy!),
so may invest in the Lite version ($70) to find out..


Bob Phillips


Before you spend your $70, and on the basis of the type of users you have,
try this approach first.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Const sEDName As String = "__ExpiryDate"
Const nEvalPeriod As Long = 30
Dim ExpiryDate As Date
Dim sDate As String

On Error Resume Next
ExpiryDate = Evaluate(ThisWorkbook.Names(sEDName).RefersTo)
On Error GoTo 0

If ExpiryDate = 0 Then
ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=sEDName, _
RefersTo:=Date + nEvalPeriod
ThisWorkbook.Names(sEDName).Visible = False
If ExpiryDate < Date Then
ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False
End If
End If

End Sub

'This is workbook event code.
'To input this code, right click on the Excel icon on the worksheet
'(or next to the File menu if you maximise your workbooks),
'select View Code from the menu, and paste the code


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

RB Smissaert

Or another way, with a password on the VBAProject:

Option Explicit
Private bOutTrialPeriod As Boolean

Sub TestTrial()

With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module1").CodeModule
If .Find("'", _
5, _
1, _
5, _
2, _
False, _
True) = False Then
'marking the first date the WB was used
.ReplaceLine 5, "'" & CLng(Date)
If CLng(Date) - CLng(Replace(Trim(.Lines(5, 1)), _
"'", _
"", _
1, _
1, _
vbBinaryCompare)) > 30 Then
'more than 30 usage of WB, so out of trial period
bOutTrialPeriod = True
End If
End If
End With

End Sub

The variable bOutTrialPeriod can then be used for whatever way to make the
more or less unusable, ranging from a nagging message to making it close.
Note that this doesn't need a reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for
Applications Extensibility


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