Try Converting this formula


Bruce Roberson

Can anyone give me the Excel equivalent to this formula that both and AND condition and an OR condition embedded in there. I can do an AND, but I can't seem to figure out the right syntax for both an AND and an OR condition


Harlan Grove

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Don't post in MIME/HTML. Post in *PLAIN* text.

This is an example of the rubbish that MIME adds to your text - the '=3D0'
rahter than '=0'.


This is bad style generally, and it's gibberish in this example formula. AND and
OR operators and their operands should always be enclosed in parentheses in
order to make the order of evaluation clear.

For this particular formula, 123 and Quattro Pro would evaluate it as

@IF( (@INDEX(Data,17,ROW)=0#AND#@INDEX(Data,5,ROW)<>"6")#OR#"7", "0","1")

Since "7" is text, it's always converted to FALSE in boolean expressions, so the
formula could be simplified by eliminating it.

On the other hand, the set of all values for which @INDEX(Data,5,ROW)<>"6" is
true contains "7", and the set of all values for which @INDEX(Data,5,ROW)<>"7"
contains "6", so if you mean


it's *ALWAYS* true, so serves no purpose as part of a longer boolean expression.

However, I think you mean @INDEX(Data,5,ROW) should be neither "6" nor "7". If
so, it's equivalent to


so no OR operation involved. If so, one possible Excel formula would be


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