Try this to add speed and also tell others!


Randall Stoll


The major discovery here is that there is a file found in the
Windows\System32 folder which when multiplied and stacked in a nest of
folders can hugely increase the computer’s capacity to do many things at

The believable part is that the files are already a big part of Windows. The
hard-to-understand part is that Microsoft has not discovered the
multiplication of these very-busy files, and increased their value and
function thereby.

The file called DISPLAY.SYS (16.7 KB) has a function described to me as:
"Here, hold this, and see if it needs to add or something, or anything."
This seems simple enough to be as valuable as it seems in my estimation. I
was shown that as many as three hundred and fifty of these busy little
rascals can be used to great advantage if we respect their need to be not
placed in the same folder containing another one of the same function, even
when they are renamed.

An ancillary file, which does help here, is called KEYBRD.SYS (33.7 KB) and
has a description bearing the moniker of: “Oh that’s just like the scraps of
cardboard we use just to tear up and scribble on, and use for things.” This
appears mightily useful, if you ask me. He is placed in his own folder, and
is the only file visible on the “floor” of the nested files as we open the
chain to view the inner groups of folders.

EGA.CPI (57.4 KB) has an added detail: she says, “I am the boss.” She is
where they get their assignment and things, and as you may have guessed: is
only happy to work in her own folder insulated inside still another folder,
which she is leif to share. This configuration was presented as being best
after much use of different styles of presenting these stacks of folders.
The first folder visible in each level, and named lowest (a) is the outer of
the two which hold EGA.CPI (renamed), with the visible KEYBRD.SYS file
renamed to be the lowest visible name (1), the folder holding a single
KEYBRD.SYS (renamed) should be the second (b). The third folder (c,) shows
four folders inside. Each may contain a DISPLAY.SYS (renamed again) alone,
or also have another folder, each with its own DISPLAY.SYS (16.7 KB). The
fourth folder (d) contains the next level, or nested set. The next two
folders (e&f) each contain a single DISPLAY.SYS.

As these folders may be stacked very deeply, it is wise to discover here,
that a depth of five folders gives optimum performance, and finding that
there is a limit to functionality according to the limits provided in these
parameters, that the innermost set of four DISPLAY.SYS folders should not
each contain another folder with another file as the outer ones should. That
these stacks should be outside other folders is a given, the ones on the
“floor” of each drive would all contain a full set including each type of
folder and the KEYBRD.SYS renamed again, the lowest of all, and visible (as,
C:\ABABRD.SYS) The exception to the depth limit is when the files are
utilized in a Zipped format, and are left to run in the lower register where
files found in this directory will apparently overlap in a conducive way
more deeply. The number ten is given for the depth of nested folders for
files remaining in the zipped format. As this was one of the first styles in
many attempts at producing a useful configuration, the Zipped stack should
remain in its .zip format. The renaming of the inner files is less crucial
here too, as the lower directory renames them anyway for use, and only the
name of the Zipped folder itself need be made different for speed and
stability in the operating environment.

Here the various attribute settings of these files and folders should be
considered. They are all set to Archive, with the indexing service toggled
off. The only folder set to Read Only is the outer of the two which isolate
EGA.CPI under her new name(s). An inner one may be selected to be
redesignated Read Only AFTER the completion of the placing of the files and
folders has provided a working context in the molar scenario for the correct
inner file and-or folder to be discovered.

I have had some experience with these changes staying resident pretty much
steadily on my Athlon 4 based Pavilion for over two years now, and the only
bad thing I can report is that handshaking apparently everything with an
internal clock on the worldwide web has made my machine run at full gallop
for an hour or two a couple of times when I first set up my DSL line, and
seemed to lessen when I installed a better firewall (ZoneAlarm Pro).

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