Tryin' again... Import function broken...?




I run OL 2002 SP3 under XP Pro.

My Outlook folder tree displays 5 PST files (four of which
are archives that I use manually.)

Periodically, I update my Contacts by importing from a data
file. It is comma delimited TXT.

That process has always worked well.

Moments ago, I repeated the familiar steps, but got an error
telling me that I needed to install the software needed to
do the import.

I did that, closed Outlook, and re-launched it.

Next, I tried the import.

The first few steps seemed fine, but then I am asked for the
destination folder and see that the correct folder does not

Only two folders (of the five that display properly in
Outlook itself) appear in the destination folder tree. The
correct destination PST does not display at all.

Also, in an attempt to solve this problem, I have created a
new profile, and have run Detect & Repair, but the problem

Before I reach for a hammer, what might be an (even more)
appropriate next step?

Many thanks,


skip step 3, do step 5 twice, and add steps 12 and 13
But seriously, DO NOT IMPORT PST files, instead OPEN them with File / Open /
Outlook data file


skip step 3, do step 5 twice, and add steps 12 and 13
But seriously, DO NOT IMPORT PST files, instead OPEN them with File / Open /
Outlook data file


As I have described, I am not trying to import a PST file...

I am trying to import a TXT file to my Contacts folder.

When I attempt to do that, I cannot select my Contacts
folder as the destination because it does not appear in the

Thanks for any thoughts you might have about my situation,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

Clarify this part:
"but got an error telling me that I needed to install the software needed to
do the import. I did that, closed Outlook, and re-launched it."

You have chosen the worst possible way to update or transfer Outlook data.
Why are you using it?


Clarify this part:
"but got an error telling me that I needed to install the software needed to
do the import. I did that, closed Outlook, and re-launched it."

You have chosen the worst possible way to update or transfer Outlook data.
Why are you using it?

Hi Russ,

I'll respond to your second comment first:

I do not keep data for my contacts in Outlook. I keep those
data in my database, (which happens to be) Paradox.

Periodically, I update my Outlook Contacts folder by dumping
the data I need (names, and email addresses) from Paradox to
a TXT file. Then I import it to my Outlook Contacts.

There might be better ways to do this, but I don't know
them. In addition, the process has worked without problem
for many years.

I have always just clicked File | Import, and then pointed
to the comma delimited file that held the data, and then
pointed to the destination folder.

But now, for some reason, I cannot point to the proper
destination folder because it does not appear in the tree in
the destination window. Only two of my five PST files do

All that said, if there is a better way to get those data
into my Contacts folder, I am certainly happy to learn about

And now to your first comment:

As I have said, I have done this process many times.

But, a few days ago, when I tried to do it (on the same
system I always use), instead of the import process
launching in its familiar way, I saw a dialog that said (in
effect) that Outlook did not have the import function
installed. It then asked if I wanted to install that
functionality, and I clicked "Yes." Next, it asked for the
Office CD, and I popped it in. Files copied to my system,
and moments later, I was able to run the import process I
have described, up to the point at which I was to specify
the destination folder.

Many thanks for any help you might provide,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I would never expect this to work. Outlook's import/export function is
notoriously unreliable and has been abandoned by any serious user of
Outlook. If you must use it, at least avail yourself of a reliable third
party utility that can actually do it. Here's the best one I know:


I would never expect this to work. Outlook's import/export function is
notoriously unreliable and has been abandoned by any serious user of
Outlook. If you must use it, at least avail yourself of a reliable third
party utility that can actually do it. Here's the best one I know:

Hi Russ,

I thank you for the comments, and will certainly check out
contactgenie, but a question remains:

Perhaps I am reading this wrong, but when you say "If you
must use it" it sounds as if you are suggesting that my
whole approach to this matter is weak (not merely my having
lived on borrowed time using the unreliable Outlook import

Is there a better approach?

Right now, I keep tons of data on thousands of people in
Paradox. I want a tiny proportion of those data to be
available in Outlook, and so, have gone the "dump from
Paradox and import to Outlook" route.

Does that seem a reasonable method or is there something
else I should consider?

Lord knows I want to be seen as a "serious user...." <VBG>

Many thanks as before,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I have no idea what Paradox is, but it is not a data source from which
Outlook even has a default import function. Importing will always be a poor
choice for creating Contact data. In reality, Outlook simply does not
support it.


I have no idea what Paradox is, but it is not a data source from which
Outlook even has a default import function. Importing will always be a poor
choice for creating Contact data. In reality, Outlook simply does not
support it.

Hi Russ,

As I believe I have explained in detail, I am NOT importing
anything from my database, (which happens to be called

I am importing from a TXT file.

My data are indeed stored in Paradox, but that is in no way
relevant to the problem I am having because I dump those
data to a standard comma delimited TXT file, and then import
that file.

So, with that having been clarified, please allow me to ask
for some more insight:

I now understand that the import functions in Outlook are so
weak as to be avoided. That's perfectly clear.

I thought initially that you were saying that with an
appropriate tool to handle the import process (such as
ContactGenie), it would be reasonable for me to expect
success importing data from a TXT file to Outlook's Contacts

But you say above that "Importing will always be a poor
choice for creating Contact data."

Do you mean that it would be a poor choice to use the
Outlook importing function? Or, are you saying that
importing should be avoided altogether?

If the latter, what is a better way for me to create those
thousands of contact entries when those data are stored

Please forgive my confusion. I assume that I am missing
something but I am eager to fully understand your
suggestions about how best to handle this situation.

Many thanks, as before,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I would never trust Outlook's native import routine to create Contacts. I
would only use good third party software like Contact Genie to handle that


I would never trust Outlook's native import routine to create Contacts. I
would only use good third party software like Contact Genie to handle that

Hi again,

Thanks for that added comment...

I have tried the trial version of Contact Genie, and will
make the purchase.

All the best,

Russ Valentine [MVP-Outlook]

I'm glad. Karl Timmermans and his crew there have done the best job of
unraveling Outlook's hopelessly snarled import routines of anyone I know.

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