trevorC via AccessMonster.com
I'm using the code from an excel macro, i've done this for Lines, to Split
and make Lists, then converted the code for Access, but the line below wont
Any Idea's ?
This line fails
Current_Worksheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 155,
165, 75).Select
(This line won't accept the `with`..., `end with` )
This line works ok.
With Current_Worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(10, 50, 250, 290).Line
End With
and make Lists, then converted the code for Access, but the line below wont
Any Idea's ?
This line fails
Current_Worksheet.Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 100, 155,
165, 75).Select
(This line won't accept the `with`..., `end with` )
This line works ok.
With Current_Worksheet.Shapes.AddLine(10, 50, 250, 290).Line
End With